
Notepad++ shortcut mapper not working
Notepad++ shortcut mapper not working

notepad++ shortcut mapper not working

Starting with Notepad++ 6.8 the default font switched to "Source Code Pro", it used to be "Courier New". Again with Windows Server 2012 R2 and Notepad++ 6.8.2 this was not an issue.

notepad++ shortcut mapper not working

I also found that this still did not work after restoring a snapshot, in this case un-installing Notepad++ then installing Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update from Official Microsoft Download Center and installing Notepad++ again then worked. This was not the case with Windows Server 2012 R2 and Notepad++ 6.8.2. On a Windows Server 2008 R2 box, I found that just running it meant the context menu did not work in Windows Explorer, re-installing with "Run as Administrator" got this working. It is worth noting that you should run the installer as "Administrator" by right clicking the installer and selecting "Run as Administrator". Clearly there are plenty more plugins that can be added, however, as with all software, don't install every plugin you find, just pick what you really need. As of version 6.8.6 the default installer includes the following plugins: Converter 3.0, MIME Tools 1.9, NppExport 0.2.8, Plugin Manager 1.3.5, interestingly DSpellCheck 1.2.14 and NppFTP 0.26.3 are no longer included, they used to be. Start Notepad++, either from the installer (when it has finished), the Start Menu or the Windows Explorer Context Menu to edit a file.

Notepad++ shortcut mapper not working