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Host Video: Choose if you would like the host video on or off when joining the webinar.They will need to select which dates and times they would like to attend and they will only be registered for those occurrences. Attendees register once and can choose one or more occurrences to attend: Registrants register once and can choose one or more occurrences to attend.They can only choose one date and time on the registrant page. Attendees need to register for each occurrence to attend: Registrants need to register separately for each occurrence to attend.All dates and times of the webinar will be listed and the registrant will be registered for all occurrences. Attendees register once and can attend any of the occurrences: Registrants can attend all of the occurrences.If registration is required and the webinar is reoccurring, specify one of the following options:.Registration: Check this to require registration or leave unchecked to not require users to register.List this Webinar in Public Event List: If your account has the Public Event List enabled, check this option to include this webinar in the list.You can configure the meeting to end after a set amount of occurrences or have the recurring meeting end on a specific date. The other recurrence options will depend on how often the meeting recurs.It is not possible to schedule a registration webinar with No Fixed Time. If you need more than 50 recurrences, use the No Fixed Time option. Recurrence: Select how often you need the webinar to recur: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or No Fixed Time.This will open up additional recurrence options. the meeting ID will remain the same for each session. Recurring webinar: Check if you would like a recurring webinar i.e.Click on the drop down to select a different time zone. Time Zone: By default, Zoom will use the time zone that you sent in your Profile.

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The webinar will not end after this length of time. Note that this is only for scheduling purposes. Duration: Choose the approximate duration of the webinar.When: Select a date and time for your webinar.Use a Template: If you have created webinar templates, you can choose one of them to apply to this new webinar.Description: Enter an optional webinar description- this will be displayed on your registration page.Topic: Choose a topic/name for your webinar.Click Webinars. You will be able to see the list of scheduled webinars here.We will get back to you with availability confirmation. To request a Webinar please go to the IT Support Ticketing System and complete a request online for meeting support with the date and time needed. **Please note that the Zoom Webinar feature is an additional feature only available by request when needed.

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